More sponsors on the court

23 March 2018

We are delighted to announce that our tournament can now boast some more partners. As well as mBank Hipoteczny, which will be our Titular Sponsor for the fourth time, APP-Projekt and Spaceplan have become our Associate Sponsors.

APP-Projekt has been operating on the Polish market for more than ten years as one of its leading engineering firms. The company has been strongly represented in the tournament in the past, in the form of board members (and brothers) Michał and Jacek Korwin-Małaszyński, who have regularly featured in the top places.

For over ten years Spaceplan has been involved in designing office interiors, fitting-out and related construction work. The company will be among our sponsors for the first time and we hope that it will also be contributing players to this year’s tournament.
app space

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The price includes participation in the tournament and the After Party
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